The Scoop #19

No editing. Just the pure amazingness of nature. 

You have probably heard of the latest it food, the cronut. but have you tasted one? Nope, not I, but I sure want to try one and this croissant loaf!

I love this blog and I think I will love these muffins sometime very soon.

If I were going to a Labor Day picnic, and had to bring a dessert, I would bring these mini coconut cream tarts. Super simple and a sure crowd pleaser.

I have had one milkshake this summer. And it was GOOOOD, but I have not always like milkshake and I still may not be their biggest fan, but doesn’t  this toasted marshmallow one look awesome?

Swedish chocolate dream cake. The recipe is by weight, and that means easy peasy because you just plop everything into the bowl.

I have confessed my love of waffles before, and to add to my list of must make waffles, here is another one with cinnamon chips.

I don’t like rosemary, but maybe mint would be a good replacement for these. (I feel like sometimes all I tell you about is much I don’t like certain foods, which probably makes you think less of me as a food blogger…sorry, but I am at least trying to be honest.)

PUFFY oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Not only is the post out of this world adorable, it makes me that much more hopeful for the “the one”.

Angel food cake is on my ever-growing baking to do list, and boy does this one sound like heaven (get it, get it…heaven and angel food cake).

And finally, I am looking for a mini cinnamon roll recipes, made from scratch. Thanks.

Any awesome internet stuff that I missed? Step up and share! Thank you!

Grilled Pizza

 For this post I was sent the below products from King Arthur Flour to use and tell you about, but all opinions are my own and genuine (I have used King Arthur Products since before my blog even started and to work with them is just a dream come true!). 

I have conquered yeast, well at least yeast in pizza dough that goes on the grill! Next on my list is pizza dough for the oven and bread! Yeast and I are frenemies, we used to be full on enemies, but we are starting to be civil with each other.

A few weeks ago I did a test run of this recipe for braided lemon bread and it was pretty successful! The dough rose and it had good flavor, but I was too excited to get started that I forgot to get yogurt before starting. So, in a pinch I used Greek yogurt and I think that it dried it out a bit leading to a slightly chewy texture!

Pairs well with “red” birch beer. 

Anyways, enough about the lemon bread for now. This recipe makes an excellent and might I add easy summer dinner! My dad proclaimed “they were beyond my expectations”(he totally doubted me) and then he went on to say we should open a pizza truck! And I am totally game!

Remember the few times I have hinted that some new exciting things are coming to Bakelette, well here is the surprise behind Door Number 1! I was very fortunate to be contacted by King Arthur Flour about working together! (Insert virtual happy dance font!) I said yes of course! Then waited excitedly like a crazy woman patiently for the bag of goodies they were sending to me, okay so it was actually a box! Now you know how much I LOVE King Arthur Flour! I love their products, their store, their recipes, their Baking Education Center, and ALL OF IT.

I had mentioned to King Arthur Flour that I was afraid of yeast. I called it a yeast phobia, but they kindly informed me it is “yeast anxiety”. They were glad to help me conquer my fear (I wish they could help me with my fear of raw meat, but that is for another time)! They sent me yeast, flour, buttery sweet dough flavor and a dough whisk! For this recipe I used the yeast and flour, but shortly you will see how I use the dough flavor and dough whisk!

The SAF instant yeast is my favorite yeast to date! I have used the packets at the grocery store, you know the ones, but the few times I used those, my recipes just failed. There was no rise and the rolls turned out like hockey pucks, but in the two times I have used the SAF instant yeast it has worked wonderfully! I used it in the above sweet bread and in this pizza dough! The dough came together easily, rose on time, cooked up tastefully charred on the grilled! Because the yeast is instant there is no need to proof, which for me was the time in which I would destroy my yeast not “proof” it. Also this dough does not need to rest overnight in the fridge, it can be used within one hour so you don’t need to plan ahead…as much!

I highly recommend all the products that were sent to me and would give each and every one of them five stars! I want to thank King Arthur Flour for reaching out to me and working with me! I feel so blessed! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Grilled Pizza 
Pizza Dough (adapted from Happyolks):
1 and 1/2 Cups plus 2 Tablespoons lukewarm water
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil plus more for greasing bowl and grill grates
2 teaspoons SAF instant yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 and 3/4 Cups all-purpose flour

Topping (Customize to your liking) Ideas:
Pomodoro Sauce
Goat Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Cherry Tomatoes
Sun Tomatoes

Pizza Dough: 
1. Place water, olive oil, yeast and salt in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until murky (about 2-3 pulses). Add in whole wheat pastry flour and all-purpose flour. Pulse/process until dough comes together. If dough feels sticky add 1 to 2 Tablespoons whole wheat pastry flour. Place dough in oiled bowl and cover with a damp kitchen towel. Let rise for 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours.

Grilled Pizza:
1. Once dough has risen, preheat grill to medium-high. Meanwhile lightly flour baking sheets and gently punch down the dough. With floured hands, portion out the dough (I got 9 (5-inch) pizzas) and gently knead dough for a few seconds.  Shape dough into rough circles and place on floured baking sheets.

2. Prepare toppings of your choice and place on another baking sheet or tray. Place topping tray by the grill because the process goes quickly.

3. Oil the grates of the grill using a heatproof silicone basting brush. Quickly place/fling dough rounds onto oiled grill grates, close grill and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until browned at 425 degrees F, checking frequently. Keep floured baking sheets nearby.

4. Remove dough rounds from grill using a spatula, place dough rounds on floured baking sheets, the uncooked side down. Dress the cooked side of the dough to your liking. Place dressed pizzas back on grill, cooking for another 3 to 5 minutes, or until bottom browns and cheese melts.

Print Recipe Here

Weekly Scoop 8/9/13

This week I have been going cuckoo for fresh produce! Cannot get enough! I went blueberry picking on Monday, and tried to go back on Wednesday, but they were closed “so that the berries could ripen up for the weekend”.  Along with not being able to get my hands on enough of the fresh stuff, I cannot stop looking at recipes that use fresh produce, just take a look at my Pinterest boards if you don’t believe me! The other day I was sorting through my clipped recipes, and I was like oh hey look it is like my “real life Pinterest board”, don’t judge, but my brain kind of revolves around Pinterest lately.  I have also been eating my fair share of fresh fruit too! I had 3 fruits with my lunch the other day! Seriously, that is a record for me! I am terrible at eating my “5 a day”, fruit I can handle, but vegetables where do I start, HATE them! Enough of my produce and Pinterest ramblings, here is the scoop.

Do you have any fresh produce recipes? Like I really need more, but I just want more so please share!

It’s summer and s’mores are EVERYWHERE. So, it is only fitting that I want to make these s’mores brownies ASAP or right this very minute.

Here I go with the brownies again. Brownies? Biscoff? And NO butter? I am down with that!

You know those chocolate chip cookies with potato chips? Well, I have never had one or made one, but this “goobed up” recipe might just change that!

Well, I have also never made a cheesecake cookie, and I am pretty sure this double chocolate cheese cake cookie recipe will change that as well!

I am sensing a chocolate them here…nothing wrong with that!

These may not be chocolate, but they are clever and have to do with Shark Week! Have you been watching? I am hooked and wondering what I am going to watch next week because lets face it, summer TV kind of stinks.

Have a great weekend!

Black, White and Red All Over with a Panama Hat

Did someone say cheese?!

Oh, look a falcon (not really). 
Black and white because the grass was reflecting green
 on my neck and it looked really weird. 🙂 

The title should probably read black, pale and red all over. Remember that joke about a sunburnt zebra, yeah that is where I got the title. I love me some corny jokes and apparently cheesy faces and poses!
Anyhoo, not completely sold on the hat still. Thoughts?

Ice Cream Cupcakes

I have always had an infatuation with ice cream, but this summer in particular I have been all about ice cream! We are talking ice cream almost everyday, which can’t be helping my bikini body, not that I even attempted to get one. Now I need some easy workouts to stave off my ice cream calories, can anyone help me?

I photographed these the other morning, probably around 7 o’clock and of course for necessary drool factor purposes I just had to dig in! If I didn’t that would just be a travesty!

So, these ice cream cupcakes are life changing. Maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but oh goodness they are delicious! A teeny tiny chocolate cupcake mounded high with your favorite ice cream and then topped with whipped cream and sprinkles, tasty and sinful, but not too bad since there is no butter in the cake! Enough talk, here is the recipe for these sweet frozen treats (frozen cake is a new favorite of mine, seriously try it, I was already a fan of frozen cookies and chocolate bars)!

Ice Cream Cupcakes
Ingredients for Chocolate Cake:
1 Cup sugar
¾ Cup + 2 Tablespoons flour
¼ Cup + 2 Tablespoons cocoa
¾ Teaspoon baking powder
¾ Teaspoon baking soda
½ Teaspoon salt
1 Egg, room temperature
½ Cup milk
½ Cup vegetable oil
2 Teaspoons vanilla
½ Cup boiling water
Ingredients for Assembly of Cupcakes:
½ Gallon Ice Cream
Whipped Cream
Directions for Chocolate Cake:
1.     Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F, and line 2 muffin pans with paper liners.
2.     Combine sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer.
3.     Add egg, milk, vegetable oil and vanilla, mixing on medium for 2 minutes.
4.     Stir in boiling water, the batter will be very thin and this is just fine.
5.     Scoop batter into prepared pans (I used 2 to 2 ½ small cookie dough scoops worth for each). Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool cakes in pans.
Directions for Assembly:
1.     Let ice cream soften for 15 to 20 minutes before using.
2.     Using a large cookie dough scoop divide ice cream amongst cupcakes. Use a spoon to smooth and mound the ice cream (Easiest if the cupcakes remain in the pan).
3.     Freeze cupcakes for 1 to 2 hours. Top with whipped cream and sprinkles when ready to serve. Can be kept in freezer for up to a week.
Print Recipe Here 

Recipe Inspired by How Sweet It Is
Chocolate Cake Recipe Adapted from Hershey’s

Weekly Scoop 8/3/13

As cliche as it is, I really cannot believe it is August already! Where did the summer go? I don’t think I have checked anything off that summer bucket list I posted on Instagram ages ago. Hmmpf. As I sit here and wonder where summer has gone, I share with you some links of what I am loving right now!

The above is from the farmer’s market last weekend, and I am hoping to hit it up again this weekend!

This will probably be the new format for the weekly scoop, to me it is a little less rigid and I like that!

I so want to start doing this with future trips and vacations! I think these would be easier than scrapbooking and much easier to display!

Lately, I have been eyeing a few cinnamon roll recipes, and these two recipes caught my eye because neither has yeast! This recipes bakes up in an hour! And this one takes 45 minutes! And both are from scratch! Score! (As for my “yeast phobia” I am working to conquer that and will be sharing soon, this project is part of the upcoming surprises on the blog that I mentioned awhile back!)

Seriously, Jessica? You are killing me with these desserts! Did someone say No Bake S’mores Cheesecake, and with marshmallow cheesecake might I add? Also just to add fuel to the fire (haha bad joke with the s’mores :: I kid you not this is my horrible sense of humor), her make-up posts are amazing! I read every single one and love all of the information she gives! I am kind of a closet make-up hoarder with three large drawers full of make-up and nail polish, and own way too much, so of course I am into her beauty infatuation!

Are these not gorgeous donuts?

I know this is mainly a food blog, but as noted above (see: closet make-up hoarder) I love anything and everything fashion and beauty! So, I do read some fashion blogs, but not very many. Do you have any fashion blog recommendations?

To that, one of the fashion blogs I love is Marionberry Style! Not only is her blog rocking, but she is such a sweetheart and hilarious! And as I was catching up on my blog reading this morning I read her post about 3 Time-Saving Morning Beauty Tips and I think all are so true and I must hop on the bandwagon because my morning routine is all sorts of whack! Also I want to try that spray moisturizer! I would see it in stores and think it was strange, but Marion makes it sounds so appealing that I am adding it to my errands list!

What links are you loving? What are you up to this weekend? Share, share, share! I love to hear from you!
